Tuesday, July 26, 2016

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Whoa! How long has it been?

Wait! Don't answer that.

Before I go any further, I must apologise for being MIA the past few months. I did have the intention of blogging more often especially about homeschool but as a fairly new homeschool mom, I started to put the idea of blogging on hold.


To be perfectly honest, homeschool was a bit of a challenge in the beginning. I read a few articles, spoke to one or two homeschool moms and had all these great ideas I wanted to implement.… only to realise, I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was. The overwhelm was real. #informationoverload

I began to doubt myself for a minute and even contemplated deleting this blog. I felt as though I was not qualified enough to share ideas and tips on homeschool when I didn't have a good hand on my own homeschool affairs.

I know it sounds silly... But I'm putting it out there anyway.

So I decided to take a break and continue my research and testing various methods, schedules and routines, experimenting with various curriculums and reading a ton of blogs and articles. Tons. And they were such a help, alhamdulillah.

After realising what works, may work and can never work for me and my daughter, I decided to extend our break.

Hold up! Huh? It doesn't make sense, I know.

But it was so worth it. Giving myself that time to breathe, detox from all the stress and actually enjoy spending time with my child is actually just what I needed.

[Enjoying a snow cone outside of the zoo]

Of course, we did do some studies - mostly Hifz and Islamiyyah, but it was nothing formal.

That long break topped with the beautiful month of Ramadhan was actually just what I needed to start afresh.

Since then, I've reconsidered and made changes to every aspect of our homeschool systems including curriculum choices, timetable, schedule, extra curricular activities, texts and workbooks, planning and recording data. Everything

It's only week two but alhamdulillah, I'm seeing all the results already including an extremely excited student.

While I still don't consider myself an expert in the field, a few moms have been asking me to share. So guess what?


I'm gonna start blogging about my journey, what we do, and hopefully throw a few updates in the mix from time to time in sha Allah. I will also be sharing some of the most insightful tips, articles, blogs and videos that have inspired and helped me in any way.

I hope these will be of great benefit to you and your family and helps you to make the most out of your homeschool. If you have suggestions for topics or have a specific question, please don't hesitate to send me an email ummddesigns@gmail.com.

See you in the next one!

Love & Du'as,

Umm D

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